Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Church" or something like it

Here is a video I saw that made me laugh and then really sad. Watch it real quick then I'll talk:

"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer on Vimeo.


So, the reason the video is funny is because it is so true to what we see in the church today. At least in most churches in California. Recently, I've had opportunities to see many types of churches, as well as hear what they are looking for in their worship service. Right on the website it reads: "Relevant Music and Teaching" / "Rockin Worship" / "Music that will make you feel comfortable" / "Music that sounds like the stuff on your iPod." Now, don't get me wrong, that tends to be the style that I like and what I end up gravitating towards, but so often we find ourselves striving to create 'the perfect worship experience' and we take the focus off God (Whether intentional or unintentional).

We have turned into a 5 step formula. We think that if we only have these certain things, we will see growth and change. But, we neglect to let God, through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, change us to be more like Jesus in our worship. We neglect to give up our control of the service.

However, as worship leaders we are faced with a problem. We DO have to be aware of people in the church that don't know new songs, we DO have to be aware of moving the church to a new understanding of worship by using new songs, we DO have to be aware of the style that the church is made up of, we DO have to be aware of bringing an excellence in our worship(because using our gifts is our offering to God). So, this video hits on some of these issues that we deal with week after week.

Why do we end up worshiping a formula or a method in our Sunday mornings. I know I'm a little harsh in that statement, but if we are honest with ourselves, we have fallen victim to that thinking at least once. We start to think that this is the way that works, so let's just do that.

When will we be the church that is relevant because that is where the Holy Spirit is leading them? When will we be a church that changes as best as they know how as the Holy Spirit is leading them?

Granted, the Bible speaks clearly about having order in the services, but I want to suggest that you can be creative and open to changing without losing order. I feel like we have done a dis-justice to that verse (1 Cor. 14:26-40) and applied it to things that it was not meant to be applied to. I digress.

We need to find a balance between intentionality to help people worship and following the direction God is leading your church. I feel that if we err on one side we should follow God's leading. But, I've seen many churches that will go REALLY far towards just getting people in the church door. Turning our worship into entertainment.

"Lord, as we lead your people in worship, allow us to follow you and be intentional to lead and not perform. Lord, help us to be worshipers and not entertainers." -Luke


To see the original post click here or go to http://insidenorthpoint.org/media/2010/05/05/videos-for-drive-10/

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