Sunday, April 26, 2009

Worship Central

If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend attending a Worship Central conference.  This past weekend was amazing. God showed up. He was signing autographs and posing for pictures.... well, maybe I'm being ridiculous, but all kidding aside, God Did show up. 

Here is what went down. 

Friday, April 24th, 2009> 
There is something unique that happens when hundreds of worship leaders and songwriters lay down their instruments and join together in worship. Everyone in the room lifts their voice to familiar songs and raises praise that is due to their God. We had one goal. To make much of God. 

One thing that I love about Worship Central and that sets them apart from many other conferences is that the focus is not about the formulas and top 10 worship tips.  The overwhelming focus of the conference is being aware of what God is doing through the Holy Spirit in our churches and worship services.  We all know what works. As worship leaders we know the songs that people will sing to and will give them a 'worship experience'. We can put together a list of all the hit songs and people will sing and even lift their hands, or close their eyes. However, very few worship leaders are willing to forsake the 'easy' and follow
 the leading of 
the Spirit in each setlist and service.

The difference is an intentionality that allows a song leader, turn in to a worship leader/pastor. The major distinction is that a worship leader has in mind not only the setlist and service, but also the direction of the church, both theologically and practically.  Without going in to much detail, the lead worshipper has a pastoral burden in song selection and theology. We need to be aware of what we are communicating with our songs. 

Anyway, back to the conference. 

It is amazing to see how God shows up when we make room for Him and invite Him to lead and not us.  We had an awesome time of worship with Tim Hughes friday evening. I love the way Tim is aware of what the Holy Spirit is doing... we had songs of praise, songs
of pain, songs of repentance and times of pure silence. What was cool is that during the silence, or during a vamp, all the worshippers in the room would begin to sing their own song, a new song to the Lord. Lifting melodies and harmonies and praising in a way that was chilling to hear.  

After that Francis Chan came up and spoke on our Christian life and challenged us with one concept. Isn't the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead, that empowered to church in Acts to do miraculous things living inside of us? What went wrong? Why isn't that happening now? (more on this in another blog) It was amazing what God did. We ended this time with a spontaneous time of prayer for boldness, prayer for healing, prayer for our churches, prayer for our cities, and prayer for each other.  

It was amazing. God did show up. Not because we sang the right songs, but because we were willing to ask Him what He wanted to do that night. And we followed. We are truly honored to worship a God who loves us with agape, as His children.  Like I said before, if you ever get a chance to worship with anyone from worship central, do it.  They get it. They realize that worship is about God and it is not our self-centered spiritual gas station. 

"Father, I want to always give you the glory that you deserve. Not out of obligation, but out of love and adoration.  Lead me day by day in worship by your Spirit, and help me always to remember the significance of Your Son on the cross. Because of Christ's work on the Cross: I am free, I am made new, I have been justified, I am a child of God, I am complete in Christ, I am God's workmanship, I am a personal witness to Christ, I am a minister of reconciliation, and I am free forever from condemnation. Help me to live in remembrance. I love you, Luke."

PS> check out the new live album/DVD from Tim Hughes, Happy Day (Pictured above). There are some really good songs on there. I believe it will be released in the US in September. For now, find it in the UK store or just the CD on iTunes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pivotal Moment


We are left with this... God the Father sent His Son to die for us on the cross. He conquered death, and rose again, and in this pivotal moment in all of history, he allowed the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our hearts.  Our slavery to sin has turned to freedom, our debt of life has been paid, our identity is forever changed, our broken lives are now made whole. 
Now what? 
Do we continue to live like we are in bondage? 
Do we continue to live in the life that died with Christ? 
Are we holding on to the old self and the bondage that we lived in before?
Have we let the magnitude of this event penetrate our lives?
Are we even able to stay silent since we have truly been freed?

Just some questions. You decide the answer. 

Here is our call to worship... 
We are no longer slaves to sin we have been purchased and redeemed. Let us celebrate and spread the news about what God has done for us. Let us be easter people, forever in remembrance of the life that we get to live through Jesus Christ.

For a good listen>
"Sweetly Broken" - Jeremy Riddle
"Love Came Down" - Ben Cantelon
"Happy Day" - Tim Hughes

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hey guys, 

I thought about cheating and giving you more to read on here because I haven't had time to get this thing up and running yet. I was going to copy and paste a bunch of old notes from facebook and other blogs that I had written. But, that is unfair. If you feel like reading about how wierd I am go to:

I'll start to heart leak here from now on. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Coffee and blogs

Coffee and blogs... what could be better? 

I have asked around and most people enjoy sitting and feeling a bit of culture sipping some Kean Coffee and browsing their favorite blogs.  I don't know what it is about the environment. Maybe it is the smell of fresh coffee or the sounds of busy (and not so busy) lives all around, but one thing is for sure... we all enjoy it. 

Today, my journey has led me to the local Panera for some tea and internet. I had the chance to talk with a random guy just about life and the culture that we live in. His name is Brian. He calls this place (panera) his office.  We live in a world that business and relationships happen at the same place over the same cup of coffee and/or meal. I think that is how it is meant to be. I think that we need to take any opportunity we get to enjoy the people around us while we all go about our lives and seek to bring God glory. 

What if we are meant to be more relational in our witness? What if God wanted us to establish community with those around us and engage in their lives no matter if they know Jesus of Nazareth  or not?  I think he does. I think that we should be connected with all kinds of people and still be open about our lives. So often I fall into the fallacy that my spiritual life is personal and I shouldn't talk about it with everyone I see. I think some of it is cultural. We all know the two primary touchy subjects: Religion and Politics.  All too often those blend into one - but that is a totally different topic. But, talking about my relationship with Christ seems, in my mind to fall into that category.  Why?  

I think that is what is amazing about the Gospel. It has nothing to do with religion.  It is a relationship with the one true God. But, there is more, God is 3 in 1, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   This is trippy to think about and will continue to blow me away.  The bible also says that God adopts us into a relationship and that we are the Bride of Christ. In essence He is inviting us to join with Him and the perfect love that is already sustained in His relationship with Himself (3 in 1). 


Father, we thank you for the gift you have given us through the work of your Son on the cross. Thank you for sending your Spirit to live in us and allow us to join in worship of You and with You.