Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Funny blog on worship --> Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff

Ok, so I found this and thought it was pretty funny. This is a blog from "Stuff Christians Like" on worship leaders. Stuff Christians Like looks at things at church from a little different angle. It is always a good laugh and sometimes pretty thought provoking. This blog is a funny one.

Take a look and see what you think.

#269. Understanding how metrosexual your worship leader is. (A handy guide) « Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff

Also, there is a good one on V-necks.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Worship Artist Vicky Beeching

Vicky is a great worship leader and musician. She has a well educated deepness to her lyrics and a clean crisp voice to bring it together perfectly.

Vicky has been leading worship for many years but as a short detour she stopped off at Oxford and was able to dig deeper into the bible and strong theology. She writes,
It turned out that my theology degree at Oxford would be my training ground as songwriter – shaping my mind and taking me deep into God’s word. It’s often said that songwriters are the theologians of our day as people remember songs far more than sermons. Songs literally are the soundtrack of our lives – so getting good theology into songs is vital.
She has some great songs to back it up too. Some that she released already and some new ones that aren't fully out yet. On her blog, (I have a link to the right) she has some chord charts available for free. Check them out... if only to read the lyrics and be hooked into buying her next album.

Check out her blog by clicking here.... or you can find her link on the right of my blog ----->