Thursday, February 10, 2011

Worship and Mission

Wow. Sometimes I realize the 'meat' and truth in a song. Today is one of those days.

My wife and I have been taking this course once a week called "Perspectives." It is about learning to see 'the world Christian movement' through God's perspective. Or at least through a perspective that is focused on God and the revelation He brings of Himself to the nations.  It has been sweet to engage in this class and embark on a journey that will only lead to being impassioned and empowered to be Global Christians.

Anyway, on my bike ride to work this morning (yeah I know...) I had this song floating around in my head. I've always loved the song because of it's thickness and passion for being sent out. But, I was struck once again with the realization of the reason we go.

The song is "Mission's Flame" by Matt Redman.

It's very premise holds to the answer for the age old question "Why are we here? or Why do we exist?" The answer is found in Genesis 12:1-3 in the call to Abram:

The Call of Abram
 1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, 
    your people and your father’s household 
    to the land I will show you.
 2 “I will make you into a great nation,
   and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
   and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
   and whoever curses you I will curse;
   and all peoples on earth
   will be blessed through you.” (emphasis mine)

Answer: Abram was called to be a blessing to 'all peoples.' His blessing came only that the nations would be blessed through him. God chose to bless Abram so that His name, not Abram's, would be spread through the nations.  Short answer --> We are here to bless the nations through bringing them into a knowledge of God and, with the New Testament in mind, a relationship with God so that they will bring God more glory.

John Piper says, "Worship is ultimate, not Missions" and that the heart of missions is found in one thing. Worship.  In his book, Let the Nations Be Glad, he summarizes, "Mission begins and ends in Worship." He argues that the reason we go is because we have been changed and therefore are moved to take action and GO! And, the end result of going on mission (telling every nation, tribe, and tongue) about God and His Son Jesus is, you guessed it, MORE WORSHIP! 

So, Matt Redman writes,

Mission's Flame
Let worship be the fuel for mission's flame
We're going with a passion for Your name
We're going for we care about Your praise
Send us out

Let worship be the heart of mission's aim
To see the nations recognize Your fame
'Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise
Send us out

You should be the praise of every tongue, Jesus
You should be the joy of every heart
But until the fullness of Your kingdom comes
Until the final revelation dawns
Send us out

Every tribe, every tongue
Every creature in the heavens and the earth
Every heart, every soul
Will sing Your praise, will sing Your praise
Every note, every strain
Every melody will be for You alone
Every harmony that flows from every tongue
We'll sing Your praise, we'll sing Your praise

Check out the song now and worship with all the world as we sing it. Don't let your heart be unmoved. Don't let yourself forget our purpose. Let this song be a continual reminder of this story and move you once again to action.

"Lord, help us to realize Your desire to bring worship to the nations."

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